
Hi I’m Kim Smith and have been using a camera since I was about 14 years old, but it’s only the last 10 years or so I’ve got more enthusiastic and passionate about the world of photography. I blame Steve Hedges my tutor and good friend. I took one of his photography courses and that set me off into the world of landscapes and wildlife, I have since then taken several courses and enjoyed lots of days out togging with him and building my experience as a photographer. This is the reason why Kim Smith Photography is now in existence, all because of a life long interest in photography.

I have invested heavily in my cameras and my equipment to make sure my online prints retain the quality regardless of the conditions of where I shot the image. I love the quality which the Canon 1dx camera delivers especially when it is combined with the L lenses. However my walkabout camera needed to be more versatile and capable of adapting to different situations so my weapon of choice is the Olympus OMD-Em1 mk11.

Over the years I have been building my catalogue of landscape and wildlife. I will keep you regularly updated through my blog and of course my gallery. I can also be found on my Instagram and Facebook

Please enjoy my website






Kind Regards

Kim Smith